November 28, 2006

Chance continues his PT work.

Warm beanbags are piled on Chance's legs to get them loosened up for his therapy


Each little leg is stretched through its full range of motion.

Standing is a whole lot easier on top of a stack of nice soft towels.

Swim, Chance, swim!!!
He thrashed so much he ended up ducking his head under the water.


December 2 - 4, 2006

Chance's left rear paw is wrapped up with vet-wrap. This way he is unable to stand on the top of his foot.
Do you think he is winking at you?

48 hours later, the vet-wrap has done its work and Chance can escape from the swimming pool.
It is time to join the black pups. Being on grass gives him great traction.

And here is the best part. Bebete adopts Chance. But don't you think he is a little old for this?

Back at PT, we can see what we have to work on next.
But look at that left rear paw. It is right where it belongs!!!!

This is the only part of the water work that Chance likes right now.

Here is Chance in his Anxiety Wrap for the very first time. As you can see, it appears to straighten out his body.
Just one problem - it has so many interesting things to chew on it! Please pass the Bitter Apple.


December 8 - 11, 2006

Chance is still misshapen, but he is acting more and more like a real dog!

Chance has a hobble on his front legs. If you look closely you can see there is a layer of red vet wrap under the adhesive tape. Without the hobble, he holds his front legs far apart, like an inverted V.
We hope forcing his legs under him where they should be will help. He did look slightly better when the hobble came off for his PT.

Chance apparently likes his PT. Initially, he squirms so much it is very difficult to work with him. After a while, he relaxes and is ready to go.

Chance is out of the tank & is now able to walk pretty confidently on this surface. Can you see that his chest has dropped?
You can check the first page to see how it looked 3 short weeks ago.


December 12-18, 2006

Chance is still standing with his front feet far apart. He generally looks a little better than this.

Check Chance's back. It is slowly coming down in to a much more normal position and the resemblence to a Bedlington Terrier is going away.

This is something very new. For the first time, this week Chance is finally sitting like a normal dog.
Previously, he either stood or laid down.

Chance is suited up and ready for the tank.

This is definitely Chance's least favorite part of PT. Even so, he can swim without getting frantic and dunking his head under water. He does a lot of thrashing, but that has to be good exercise.

Chance was seen by the orthopedic specialist this week.
Dr. Scavelli was confident that Chance will continue to improve, with lots of exercise.
A hip x-ray was taken & that did not look great, so he will need to be rechecked in another 3 months.

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